State intervention in Uganda’s economy has become unavoidable

I stated in a July 2010 article on the difficulty of applying Malthus essay to Uganda’s population that population growth becomes a major issue in Uganda’s development discourse when the economy is in deep trouble. Amin ordered doctors to reduce population growth through contraception when the economy had run dry after all the stock from the expelled Asians had been used up. In Uganda today (July 2010) the economy is fast drying up and scapegoats are being created to justify the socio-environmental problems including rapid urban population growth, slums and wetland destruction. This is happening in large part because for over twenty years the NRM government has relied on market forces and laissez faire (let alone). Reporting on population ‘explosion’ has become an exercise in propaganda blaming Uganda citizens for over-breeding but remaining silent about massive migrations into Uganda and food exports since the beginning of the 20th century. What is happening in Uganda will not correct itself. Government intervention has become unavoidable to correct the imperfections of the invisible hand of market forces and laissez faire capitalism.