Accusations have increased in frequency and intensity that Banyankole have sole responsibility for the suffering being experienced in Uganda, implying punitive measures when the time comes. There were reports that after the brutal manner in which the demonstrators were handled in Kampala in 2009 by security forces, some people vowed that Banyankole would pay a commensurate price including innocent ones that had nothing to do with the disproportionate use of force. Anybody coming from southwest Uganda has been defined as a Munyankole and some of them have been assaulted. Banyankole are therefore wondering on which side to stand: with a tiny group of rulers from Ankole who are causing the chaos and suffering in Uganda or those who are opposed but have vowed to punish any Munyankole when the time comes.
Warnings have gone out that those who accuse Banyankole either in their individual capacity or as representative of groups should check their facts first to avoid harming innocent people. Southwest Uganda has a complex history of indigenous and migrant people and of rulers and ruled. Since the late 1950s many immigrants have crossed into southwest Uganda and pose as Banyankole or Bakiga. Some have joined the rulers from Ankole and are contributing to the suffering of the majority of Ugandans. We therefore need to know who is who from southwest Uganda and who is doing what. Without this disaggregated information innocent Banyankole and Bakiga or even immigrants and their properties may come under attack for nothing.
Southwest Uganda has some of the poorest families in the whole of Uganda. Therefore lumping all Banyankole and Bakiga as the beneficiaries of NRM regime that is impoverishing and torturing other Ugandans in order to stay in power indefinitely is the worst mistake that can be made.
What Ugandans opposed to NRM need to do is to unite for the sole purpose of unseating NRM government. Then the rest will follow. Unity is the answer. We witnessed it in the 1950s when Ugandans were unhappy and united in opposition to some decisions taken by the colonial administration.
United Democratic Ugandans (UDU) was formed in July 2011 to unite all opposition forces at home and abroad and speak with one voice. We have been urged by our development partners, friends and well wishers to unite. It will be easier for them to extend a helping hand to opposition groups when they are united than when they are divided.
UDU is working very hard using all methods including diplomacy to bring about peaceful change to Uganda. We have already prepared a National Recovery Plan (NRP) (accessible at as an alternative to failed NRM policies. We are now working on the political agenda. We appeal to all opposition forces to come together under one umbrella and speak with one voice and advance NRM’s departure date. Unity works. In Kenya when opposition groups united under NARC, they defeated KANU very easily. In Zambia when opposition groups came together under MMD, they defeated UNIP very easily. Individually these opposition groups in Kenya and Zambia had failed to do so. NRM will not be swept out of power unless opposition groups come together. We do not need to wait for 2016. The suffering of Ugandans will not allow us that luxury. Action is now.