Press Release: World Leaders at the UN General Assembly; And What They Said in the General Debate in 2007

**For Immediate Release**

EDITORS:  For review copies or interview requests, contact:

Kimberly Dutour

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Jones Harvest Publishing is proud to introduce World Leaders at the UN General Assembly; And What They Said in the General Debate in 2007, by Eric Kashambuzi. This landmark work did for the UN what Bob Woodward did for the White House. World Leaders is about the United Nations, it’s History – its birth and its evolution into the institution we know today. More importantly, Kashambuzi covers the topics the U.N. deals with and their related issues. This work gives us a very detailed account of what they said during last year’s General Debate -in 2007.

These debates occur every year in September in New York City, the headquarters of the United Nations. World leaders from 192 countries -the member states, meet there to discuss global topics. During their debates, the wide range of issues discussed can range from peace and security, to human rights and development, as well as to climate changes. And as a result, the establishment of new international guidelines has been facilitated by what member states have recommended.  

World Leaders at the UN General Assembly is a must read for anyone concerned with politics and what is going on around the world. The structure of the book is very clear: it is divided in thirteen chapters which enables the readers to go directly to the topic that interests them most. The chapters are themselves divided in smaller parts -all titled- which makes it very easy to follow. Furthermore, each segment is quite thorough; but not long and heavy.  Kashambuzi goes right to the core of the subject which makes it a fast read anyone will enjoy.

Eric Kashambuzi, Ugandan, graduated in Geography, Economics, Demography, International Law and Diplomacy, and Sustainable Development. He lives in New York City. He is also a consultant to international organizations, states and non-state actors. Moreover, Eric Kashambuzi is the UN Liaison for Millennium Promise and Principal Advisor to the CEO. Previously, Mr. Kashambuzi served the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) as a focal point for intergovernmental affairs involving work of the General Assembly, Economic and Social Council and Security Council.

World Leaders at the UN General Assembly; And What They Said in the General Debate in 2007 by Eric Kashambuzi is available through Author Celebrity Associates and Jones Harvest Publishing at 1-877-400-0075 or online at or

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