Impoverishing and conquering Uganda is NRM deliberate policy

Telling the truth is by and large a very difficult and potentially fatal task and requires tremendous courage and sacrifice. I pray every day for God’s guidance and protection because I feel very strongly that the truth about what is going wrong in Uganda must be told.

Many Ugandans at home and abroad know what is happening in Uganda but are afraid to stand up and resist. They are prepared to save their lives at the expense of their children who will have no home and no future in Uganda in the years ahead.

Many Ugandans have become greedy and short sighted at a great cost to their children. Becoming parliamentarian or minister or ambassador has become more important than protecting the interest of children and kith and kin. There are stories that some Ugandans are divorcing their wives and marrying Batutsi women to get access to state house and bachelors are chasing Batutsi women for marriage for the sole purpose of catching Museveni eye when he is making important appointments.

I am fully aware that every individual has a right to marry who he chooses but in Uganda it is a different story. And the two should not be confused. In Uganda Batutsi women are marrying wealthy or potentially wealthy and politically influential non-Batutsi men for political reasons: to convert their non-Batutsi husbands into Batutsi or tutsified and then defend Batutsi interests of colonizing Uganda and using it as a base in their quest for a Tutsi Empire. That is the difference. It is politics and power: not love.

Our parents sacrificed to ensure we got education and better life than theirs and that is what progress means. Our parents saved to purchase land for their children. Many present parents are selling land to become MPs or buy mobile phones, etc.

The present generation of parents is interested in today rather than tomorrow. And that is the sad part. I was in London two weeks ago. People I talked with know what exactly is happening in Uganda but can’t talk because they are afraid that when they go home they will get arrested: and they can’t imagine failing to go to Uganda for Christmas holidays. So they are prepared to keep silent while their country is being colonized, torn apart in tiny and economically unviable districts or being pushed into a future Tutsi Empire. They would want to know the family tree of potential leaders but to do so may expose them to the wrath of NRM spies.

The leadership of FDC is being contested at the moment and some Ugandans don’t feel comfortable with one of the candidates who apparently has received much money (needs further study) and is buying voters and may win making it difficult to choose between NRM and FDC.

Museveni came to power with a hidden master plan: to take Uganda back to the middle ages of serfs and lords. Lords would own land and all that is on it including serfs themselves and industries such as bakeries etc. Serfs would labor for the comfort of lords. Lords would be fed first, serfs last if there was surplus. Lords would eat good quality wheat and serfs poor quality rye. That is what is happening in Uganda. The majority has been reduced to eating maize/corn and cassava while the rich are eating three square meals a day of balanced diet.

Museveni has drawn on lessons from Rwanda where Tutsi dispossessed Hutus and reduced them to crop cultivators to serve their lords in return for so-called protection. During hard times such as drought, Hutus were reduced to beggars and would go on their knees begging Tutsi to give them a glass of milk and would declare Tutsi their father. What a humiliation!

Museveni is doing the same thing to Ugandans, turning them into beggars to survive. Museveni has refused to help ease unemployment deliberately because unemployed people are easy to manipulate. Museveni has deliberately strangled healthcare because sick people are easy to control. Museveni has deliberately increased the sale of food with little left for domestic consumption because hungry people are easy to control. Museveni has deliberately refused to support school lunch making it easy for children to drop out of school and remain powerless and pose no challenge to his Tutsi dynasty. Museveni and his prime minister are now threatening to dispossess Uganda peasants of their land and give it to rich Ugandan and foreign investors and Ugandans are silent or actively promoting the idea in return for political favors.

I don’t intend to make Baganda feel uncomfortable and I apologize in advance if they may feel that way. But the truth is that in Buganda land is almost gone to the rich non-Baganda. Creation of Greater Kampala shouldn’t be treated by Baganda as good news. It is bad news! The large GNI (Gross National Income) in Buganda isn’t generated by Baganda so Baganda politicians shouldn’t confuse ordinary Baganda. GNI in Kampala is generated by foreign and non-Baganda investors who own business. Meanwhile Baganda business people seem to be declining.

To correct a mistake you have to admit it exists. It’s time for Baganda to admit Museveni has swindled them with highly visible appointments only to use them to strangle Buganda. Buganda lost heavily when it had a vice president, prime minister and speaker of parliament and over 90 members of parliament. If Baganda in power in central government were patriotic to Buganda such losses wouldn’t have happened. It appears Buganda is represented in large part by people whose allegiance has shifted from Mengo to state house. The same is happening in other parts of Uganda. We therefore need to work together to make changes for the good of present and future generations.

Museveni and Kagame are threatening to abolish Uganda/Rwanda border and declare the two countries one to be dominated by Batutsi and Ugandans are silent. Where are the MPs? They should be at home debating these issues in parliament instead of roaming all over the world giving speeches detached from reality. I haven’t heard a single MP speaking against the possibility of eliminating Uganda/Rwanda border. I haven’t heard one MP addressing the Tutsi Empire that will swallow-up Uganda. Uganda cannot and must not disappear as we have known it even under a federal system of governance which I fully support and will champion with or without public support.

In order to perfect their game of taking over Uganda as their colony, Museveni and his core of Tutsi advisers have painted themselves as victims in a hostile environment. They present themselves as if they were living in the Middle East surrounded by enemies and have to arm themselves to the teeth in order to defend themselves. The two situations are totally different.

From time immemorial Batutsi have been aggressors, not victims. They have committed more crimes against humanity in the Great Lakes region than Hutus particularly in Burundi and DRC and even in Rwanda. Batutsi have used Rwanda 1994 genocide to restore their brutal relations with non-Batutsi people in the Great Lakes region while the international community watched and many researchers and commentators distorted facts against Bahutu.

We appeal to those outsiders who are supporting Batutsi with money, military and intelligence support to take another look. They are supporting aggressors to do more harm to victims. Who is causing trouble in DRC now? Contributing troops to peace keeping operations doesn’t give Museveni and Kagame authority to do whatever they want with citizens’ lives and property at home.

I am prepared to debate those who criticize me in the media without evidence if a place can be arranged by some neutral body.

Let me end with this: the older generation of Batutsi in Rujumbura realized that the political weather had changed with the approach of independence and wanted to build bridges to live in harmony with Bairu. On their part Bairu were prepared to forgive, not forget the past, and join Batutsi in building bridges.

The present generation of Batutsi has rejected the reconciliation approach of the old generation in favor of recreating lords and serfs with foreign support that has geopolitical interest in the Great Lakes region.

And that is why Batutsi are attempting to dominate every political party particularly FDC and NRM using the vast wealth they have accumulated to purchase votes. The good news is that Ugandans are beginning to understand what has hit them and sooner rather than later may begin to fight back. No one expected Napoleon, Lenin and Mengistu to lead France, Russia and Ethiopia respectively. Figure out other examples.

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