You have taken us for granted for too long. You hood winked us with your ten point program when you knew you were not going to implement it. Instead of development you have brought hell on Uganda soil. You have reduced a country of hardworking, innovative and cheerful people to a semi-desert where rivers are disappearing, lakes are shrinking and water tables are dropping. Hospitals have turned into hospices, maternal mortality and insanity rates are on the rise. Ugandans have become number one alcohol consumer in the world. You are selling food to earn foreign currency when Ugandans are starving to death. You have refused to allocate money for primary school lunch causing girls to drop out of school and forced into teenage pregnancy and having children they cannot afford. You are encouraging poor families to practice birth control for lack of resources, yet you are selling or leasing Uganda land to foreigners to produce food for their people. Land is the only asset Ugandans have. Education has not provided them an alternative source of income.
Uganda jobs are going to foreigners while highly educated and experienced citizens languish in the diaspora. Our youth including university graduates go unemployed while those with work are under-employed earning below or subsistence wages. You are pushing us into the East African economic integration and political federation when it is clear Uganda will lose land, jobs and industries.
For the last 25 years you have ruled us through fear using instruments of repression. The people of Uganda are overcoming the psychology of fear and will descend on you if you rig the elections on February 18, 2011. There is a wind of political change. Don’t think it will pass you by.
Eric Kashambuzi