What the next Uganda government must do
I am writing this article on the assumption, inter alia, that:
- the new government will muster sufficient political will, genuine and real commitment to raise the standard of living of all Ugandans
- Ugandans and their friends and partners will recognize and accept that Uganda is basically an agrarian country dominated by peasants
- Ugandans will put the highest priority on meeting the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter
- the empowerment of the poor through inter alia mass quality education, healthcare and appropriate technologies will be promoted
- external advice however sound will not deliver without support from the nationals
- there is a recognition that structural adjustment has been a failure in social and environmental terms and sustaining economic growth
- development strategies are home designed, executed and owned
- land is life and a basic asset for peasants
- the respective roles of the state and the private sector will be redefined in a mutually reinforcing manner
- a bottom up approach will be supported through appropriate policies, strategies and institutions