In Uganda eradicating poverty and implementing the 50 year master plan are mutually exclusive

Let me end 2011 with this short message in part as a response to Museveni’s end of year message.

First, Ugandans must understand the simple truth: Museveni is committed to implementing Bahororo 50 year Master Plan which was adopted at his Rwakitura residence under his chairmanship on March 15, 1992.

To realize the Master Plan, non-Bahororo Ugandans must be kept poor economically, socially and politically by denying them what would empower them such as quantity and quality education, jobs, nutrition and access to resources. It is a zero-sum game. Because of this game, poverty has remained very high – over fifty percent – and some 20 percent in the lowest income bracket have got worse.

To explain high levels of poverty, youth unemployment, hunger, disease etc, Museveni has always blamed external forces and “Acts of God” beyond NRM’s control or the opposition. And he gets away with it! It is mainly NRM’s commissions and omissions that are overwhelmingly responsible for too much suffering in Uganda – a country so well endowed to make everyone happy with a surplus. In true democratic countries Museveni and NRM would have been voted out of power a long time ago.

You can be rest assured that very little or none of what Museveni promised in his end of year message will get done in 2012. And at the end of 2012, he will address the nation again with the same message of difficulties experienced in the course of the year caused by external forces and “Acts of God” beyond NRM’s control and opposition politics. Museveni’s end of year message has become more or less standard.

Second, those who are waiting to defeat Museveni and NRM in 2016 elections should think again. Either the opposition parties will have disappeared or so crippled as to pose any threat if we go by what is happening and the trend continues regarding opposition parties. Or Uganda will have been incorporated into the East African political federation if Museveni gets his way possibly with support of Kenya that would benefit disproportionately.

Third and finally, those who want to wage war first against the NRM must think more than twice about the potential dangers. Museveni and his generals are waiting for such an opportunity to clean up the place of all undesirables so that Bahororo rule happily and permanently ever after.

What is needed is a new platform based on the “War of the Flea” strategy which I have already written about and published in Ugandans at Heart Forum.

To wage a successful war of the flea, the opposition will need to have dedicated, patriotic, humble, competent, experienced, bold and above all highly disciplined leaders working together under one umbrella preferably beginning in 2012.