Conflict between nomads and cultivators in Uganda

or wanderers are members of a tribe roaming in search of pasture and water for
their livestock. Their way of life contrasts fundamentally with that of cultivators,
leading to conflicts when the two cultures interact. Nomads live essentially in
barren land and hostile climate causing them to move and fight frequently among
themselves and between them and sedentary groups.


Root cause of conflict in the Great Lakes Region


Great Lakes Region of East and
has since 1994
become an area of concern to the international community because of genocide
and other crimes against humanity. Solving the problem, once and for all, will
require a full understanding of the historical processes and designs in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (DRC),
Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. Burundi and Rwanda suffered genocide in 1972 and 1994 respectively.
This should not happen again.

Uganda needs a new development approach

1981 – apart from a brief period between 1985 and April 1987 when the World
Bank and IMF withdrew support for economic and human rights considerations –
Uganda’s economy has been directed by the donor community especially the World
Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) and individuals like Lynda Chalker,
working with a carefully selected team of national managers particularly in the
ministry of finance and central bank.


No donor support is permanent

Many of us know that some African leaders and key ministers are selected and sustained in power by donors. There is enough written evidence to back up this statement. The leaders – especially those who are power hungry or vulnerable either because they come from minority tribes or for other shortcomings – in return,  go out of their way to show gratitude to their sponsors at the expense of the people.

Market access becoming Uganda’s engine of underdevelopment

Yoweri Museveni wrote a book entitled Selected Articles on the Uganda Resistance War.  It was first published in 1985. In it he complained that previous regimes had neglected the production of foodstuffs – especially nutritious millet, sorghum, peas and others – in preference for exports thereby perpetuating colonial distortions. As a result Ugandans were eating low calorie and protein foodstuffs which contributed to malnutrition. He stressed the need to re-orient the economy in such away that food production was given due emphasis to overcome malnutrition.


Unintended political outcomes of economic advice

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) do not officially engage in political activities in the countries they advise. However, there are cases where the economic advice rendered led to unintended political consequences. We shall examine three cases of Jamaica, Rwanda and Uganda with a view to drawing lessons that might help avoid unintended adverse political, social and economic outcomes. Let us begin with Rwanda.
